I read blogs of a couple
famous people, and since they have you know, readers, and those readers send them email, they are able to kind of get their blog posts nearly for free. The readers send emails, and via simple cut and paste, nearly all their daily entry is written for them. With a simple quip here and there, on they go with their famous, undoubtedly happy lives.
In my rather non-famous life, I have no such luxuries. That said, I do have a pretty killer camera phone, and I have a few photos sitting around which have no corresponding blog post, so here we go. Think I will break these photos into different entries.
A week-ish ago drew was meeting a friend down in provo, and cameron and I tagged along. Guru's was the place. I guess it is healthy or something. Drew's friend is a vegetarian, and guru's was pretty much made for him. They did have some pretty good steak and chicken tacos.
For some reason, I had 7-11 napkins in my pocket, and thought they looked cool on the table next to the money.

Guru's is one of those "we're not really your waiter, but please tip well" places. Other such places include fudruckers and sonic. Can't really decide which of the two I think is worse. At fudruckers they don't deliver food, and I think they don't even get your water. "Anything I can do for you?" You mean anything tip-worthy!
At sonic they don't really do anything different then say, wendy's and I don't recall ever tipping at wendy's. Whatever happened to wendy's?
My, look at the fancy wall and the many empty chairs. Wonder if those two things go together. We might have been there a little late, but there you go.

And finally, now you need not leave the restaurant, to find a tree to hug!