Ok, just kidding, but it does kind of crack me up that our neighborhood chinese buffet includes good old cream puffs. You know, just like in china. It also cracks me up that the name of the place is called the new chinese gourmet buffet. Not only do they get to decide that they and their cream puffs are gourmet, they also get to say, that for now and perhaps forever, they are new. Like, I think they are incorporated that way.
Most of our team went to chinese to help celebrate the year of the rat. Me, like a dope, keeps putting monkey on my checks! Ok, I stole that from wait, wait don't tell me, but I thought it rather clever.
For me, the new chinese gourmet buffet is actually pretty tasty. It is also another, should I tip? place. The buffet price includes a drink, and the drinks (orange / mango++) are pretty tasty as well, but is someone getting me a drink to go with the meal I got myself, worth a tip? Today, it was. Course, it starts at the mongolian bbq. Today, someone giving me a strange look when I asked him to add more stuff as he felt so inspired, did not lead to a tip. Somewhere along the way, some things have to be include in the purchase price.
And yes, we were north of twelfth north, but there ya go.