Yeah, we ate at 7-11. I had two hot dogs and a slurpee. My favorites in order were probably the slurpee, the first hot dog, not getting the second hot dog, perhaps another slurpee, and yes, the second hot dog. For me, some foods just go well together. French toast and milk, steak and orange gatorade, and yeah, 7-11 hot dogs (with free chili and free cheese) and a slurpee.
Did I mention the free chili and cheese? I do wonder sometimes how far you could push that. What if I fill the whole container? What if I place the container in a bucket and then fill it? How about a garbage can? F150? F350? What if there were more than two trucks I could mention?
Sometimes, people tell me things. The other day "the dentist" wanted to see me, perhaps during lunchtime. We had exchanged an email or two and chatted on the phone a bit, so I guess he felt like he could open up to me. He said something like, "now just because it's going to be lunchtime, don't think that we're going to have any food. I could maybe bring some sandwiches. Peanut butter and honey?" Again, more than a little strange.
Today at 7-11 a couple folks chatted me up a bit. A xerox copy repair man who would rather be a programmer, and was going back to get his IT degree. He was saying that was maybe the first time he had seen someone that a picture of a cheese machine. I told him about this blog, and maybe he is reading this today. Hola, xerox guy! I would probably aim towards java, and I think this is a good book.
One of the 7-11 workers told me about his mom's garden, that she grew hot stuff that he eventually ate half of one of them. It was really hot. "Do you like hot stuff?"
Why did drew eat at two places today? Now that's a good question.